19 Downtrodden and Forsaken
David and Jesus voiced the same despair of feeling forsaken. What are reasons we may become depressed and filled with anxiety? How does God respond when we doubt him? What is our response to our own doubts?
Psalm 22:1-11
26 Directional Wisdom
Godly wisdom abounds in the Book of Proverbs. What is the wisdom given that we need to heed? How are we to combat the evils and temptations of this world? What has God provided for us to overcome discouragement?
2 Community Strength
God has designed us to live within a community of believers that provides support, protection, and encouragement as our Loving Father teaches us and disciplines us. We are called to walk in the path of Jesus, keeping Him as an example of holy living.
Hebrews 12:1-6
9 Old vs. New
Paul encourages us to put off the old self with its selfish ways and corruptive desires. The new self, created by God, moves us away from discouragement and depression as we walk in His way. What are the contrasting characteristics that exist as we move from old to new?
Ephesians 4:22-32
16 Prayer Support
How do we experience the power of prayer during low emotional and challenging times? Is that our first defense? Is it a communal call to combat evil? How does God encourage us through our times of prayer? How can we encourage one another within our commitment to prayer?
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
23 My Rock and My Fortress
In all of his challenges and feelings of despair, David’s heart was steadily focused upon the solid rock and foundation of God. How has God been a fortress for you in the past? How do you anticipate God continuing to be the rock upon which you will stand in the future? How are you encouraged by God’s promises and love?
Psalm 62:1-8