Thank you for generously supporting the ministries of Yellow Creek Mennonite Church through your tithes and offerings. You may use the secure online giving platform below or the Vanco Mobile to make a one-time donation or set up recurring donations. You may also give through bill pay, check or cash.
Bill Pay
Have your regular offering deducted from your checking account using your bank or credit union’s online bill pay feature. Please, note in the memo what fund your gift is intended for.
You may give by check during any worship service or through the mail to Yellow Creek Mennonite Church, 64901 County Road 11, Goshen, IN 46526. When giving by check during worship services your offering can be placed directly in the offering box. Offering envelopes are available in the pews or may be requested from the church office.
Cash gifts and offerings should only be given during a worship service (do not send cash through the mail). Please place directly in the offering box or in an offering envelope.