Yellow Creek Mennonite Church is a community of believers striving to put genuine faith into practice. While we have a long history, we are defined more by our love for others and the pursuit of God’s call. Our “smaller church” Sunday school classes are important to our mutual care and we stay and talk a lot after church. We love children and strongly support the faith development and activities of the youth ministries. Our worship is a blended style with multiple worship teams and we value the contribution of all ages in our corporate gatherings. We are Anabaptist congregation that supports a number of Mennonite agencies including MCC and MDS. We are a committed member of LMC – a fellowship of Anabaptist churches, and have long-valued our global church connections, partnership and missional support.
Our Confession of Faith and Faith Statement
These statements can be found on the following LMC links.
Yellow Creek is a member of LMC, a fellowship of anabaptist churches, therefore our beliefs and practices align with these documents on their website.

Our Past to Our Future